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The Sound River is a tidal strait, with strong water currents that alter course between flood and ebb tides roughly four times every day. “Slack tide,” times of practically no flow, occur at each direction shift. The distinct topographic contours demarking the lower and upper allotments of the strait are a result of its shaping by glacial activity. The lower share runs north-south, parallel to the glacier movement. Although navigatable, it is relatively narrow, with straight banks. The bays that exist (or existed before being filled in by human action), are wide and shallow. Both banks of the lower reach are prone to significant inundation during storm surges, and are under a long term reclaimation program to convert to parklands. The upper segment, running generally perpendicular to the direction of sheet ice movement, is

wide, winding, and has deep narrow bays on both banks, scoured out by movement of the icy mass. In spite of the fact that the Sound River has been deemed safe for auxiliary contact activities such as sailing and angling, due to overwhelming contamination and swift currents (measured up to 4 knots in the narrows) the waters are perilous to people who endeavor to swim or accidentally fall in. The lower mouth of the strait has limited commercial transport with a planned recreational boating marina to be nestled in a portion of reclaimed parklands; the upper reaches of the strait, where the channel is bifurcated by an island, hosts a tidal turbine array. The new “Strait Keeper” came about as part of the power generation licensing concession which mandates ecological observing and monitoring, and will be funded by the power company. The Keeper will be operated by the Sound River Alliance, the Strait Neopreners (a club including surfers, kayakers and paddleboard enthusiasts), as well as other non-profit stake holders. A site adjacent to the future marina has been suggested by the regional recreational authority with the stipulation that the Keeper Tower incorporate a small harbor master annex. The annex is to accommodate a rotating position (with provisions for over nighting) whose duties include administering the marina’s launch facility and guest slips. 

Located apart from the mainland, the tower needs to be self-sustained with minimum human power.

An observatory with fully open view is needed for observing the fish and bird migration, weather, astronomy, as well as the tide.

The color red stands out from the depressing landscape due to its industrial surroundings, which makes the tower a landmark in at the bay area.

A mechanical system was developed to achieve the goal of creating more space in limited area. Also an exploration of how the high technology leads to the most natrual and simple

way of living. A system that transforms into any working and living surface without power.

Air lock-on mechanism supports the platform itself and the weight of human body. The combination of ceramic panels and steel alloy parts are strong and easily replaced.

A system that transforms into any working and living surface without power. Air lock-on mechanism supports the platform itself and the weight of human body. The combination of ceramic panels and steel alloy parts are strong and easily replaced.

The site was devided into small blocks to scientifically and precisely locate the tower. The grid system is conveyed from the site to the floor tile on the tower. With tiles layed out in order, the tile system could maintain its function in the best way.

© 2017  James Ma Architecture by Runyu Ma.   All Rights Reserved.

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